Pakistan Economics Monitor

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Socio Economic Research Resources

Socio Economic Research Institutes and Centres in Pakistan

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

I hope the government of Pakistan may take note of this. Urdu Wiki has been started by ordianry people who are just doing it for the sake of love for Urdu. The government of Pakistan has not taken any concrete steps in this regard. This amazing invention can revolutionize the learning process in Paksitan combined with free internet acess and lessons designed in Urdu language.
MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop: "The MIT Media Lab has launched a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop: a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children. To achieve this goal, a new, non-profit association, One Laptop per Child (OLPC), has been created. The initiative was first announced by Nicholas Negroponte, Lab chairman and
co-founder, at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in January 2005."

Monday, January 02, 2006

Progressive India

I want to mointor progress in Pakistan but Pakistani's have a bad habit they look towards India to compare where India is leading or lagging behind. I believe Paksitan has already been implementing these technologies things in LUMS.
In India, Engineering Success: "The classroom of the future will feature electronic white boards. The teachers of the future will write equations on these boards with electronic pens. And the students of the future won't have to choose between concentrating on the teacher and scribbling the equations into notebooks. They will devote all their energy to listening, then download the equations straight into the laptops they've plugged into their desks.
Okay, that isn't quite right. The classroom I'm describing is not some figment of the future. It's the reality I visited a month ago at the Vellore Institute of Technology."